Dread Central!

Cook With The Necronomnomnom, Just Don’t Read It Aloud




November 7, 2017

H.P. Lovecraft cooked up a lot of fictional books in his time, like the Book of Eibon and the Pnakotic Manuscripts. But none are as infamous as the Necronomicon. And yes, The Necronomnomnom is the pun come-to-life we’ve all been waiting for.

The brainchild of Red Duke Games’ Mike Slater and Thomas Roache, this Lovecraft-inspired cookbook had initially been pitched as an audio book, until the two realized, “You never read the evil spellbook out loud!

I knew instinctively that the name alone would gather chuckles and interest among a large subculture of literature geeks, movie fans, and gamers,” said Slater. “That’s where it started—at the intersection of early 20th century horror literature… and an internet meme.

It looks exactly like what you’d expect from an eldritch grimoire; The book won’t be bound in human skin, but close enough—the deluxe version’s handcrafted latex hardcover, designed by David Pirkle, is an eerie recreation of the Book of the Dead. Its pun-filled pages, more closely resembling summoning spells than recipes, will feature original art rendered in typical Lovecraftian fashion by illustrator Kurt Komoda. The accompanying recipes are full of nods to Lovecraft’s work, including Deep fried Deep OnesAt the Fountains of Madness, and Mounds of Tindalos—not to mention Slater’s favorites, Elder Thing ParmesanThe Sandwich Horror, and Shaken, Not Hastur.

The campaign had quickly reached its crowdfunding goal $27,500, but that only leaves time for more treats for its backers before production starts next year. One stretch goal in the pipeline is a premium cover for The Necronomnomnom, which would include extra padding and rounded binding. “Other goals will first relate to expanding the book itself. More recipes, more pages, more art,” says Slater.

The Necronomnomnom will be available in both digital and hardcover formats. You can check out its Kickstarter campaign here.




Client Testimonials
Kind words from happy clients
"The Necronomnomnom perfectly captures the flavor of Lovecraft’s stories. . . . Tasty and unsettling . . . this book would make a fine gift and look pretty cool on a shelf. . . . For those who love Lovecraft or throwing interesting Halloween parties, this is one tome of lore that is both fun and tasty to dive into."
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